HyperSmash Are Porn and Erotica Good for Women? | Adult Swim &"A Place for Adults"

Are Porn and Erotica Good for Women?

Trivia question: Do you know that is the most powerful, erotic, and erogenous part of the body?

Answer: The brain!

Kudos if you guessed correctly that the brain is a powerful tool to assist you in having a fulfilling sex life. Actually, the brain is more powerful than any sexual aid you can use during sex, solo or accompanied. That’s why, when it comes to sexual matters, imagery can be an important ally in helping you reach new heights of pleasure and satisfaction during any sexual act.

It has been said that men are visual and, therefore, images are more important for men than for women. However, this may be a well-cultivated and perpetuated myth. Some women enjoy watching porn and erotica, as it actually leads to a more fulfilling sexual experience. As the success of 50 Shades of Grey, now a New York Times e-book and print bestseller lists, has shown, there are plenty of women interested in the subject. So it’s probably a safe bet to put the myth that only men watch porn to rest. Let’s explore what is porn and erotica and how it can fuel your sex life!

Pornography and erotica may sound like two different things but they are slightly different. According to author Violet Blue: “Porn is something that is a graphic sexual image that conjures up an animalistic reaction in you. You like it or you don’t. Erotica also is graphic sexual imagery, but it has an extra component or several extra components that resonate with the viewer—be it artistic, be it passionate, be it something that emotionally engages you, be it something that parlays into a fantasy that you have about sexuality or the way that you relate to the people on screen.” Adult entertainment in the form of porn and erotica are enjoyed by many women, because, like men, women do think about sex often and enjoy it!

Women are a strong market for adult entertainment. According to Nielsen NetRatings, in the first quarter of 2007, it was estimated that 1 in 3 visitors of adult entertainment websites were women. Furthermore, according to Hustler Video, women account for 56% of business in adult video stores. Additionally, as the female audience base for adult entertainment is growing, Candida Royalle’s hard core erotic videos made for women sell approximately 10,000 videos per month.  Nowadays, adult content entertainment can be easily reached via the Internet, as well as through the conventional methods of print and video. Therefore, discrete access to porn and erotica is available to women, making it easy for them to incorporate and benefit from adult content in their bedrooms.

Benefits of adult entertainment for women:

    Gender Equality: In A Vision of New Porn: How Women are Revising Porn to Match a time of Greater Gender Equality, Anne G. Sabo asserts that adult entertainment for women creates a “discourse that reflects a time of growing gender equality.” As gender roles become less rigid, adult entertainment offers an outlet for young women to establish and express their identities tied to gender.

    Better Sex Life: Watching adult content entertainment could yield positive results among the sex life of adults. In a study conducted by Hald and Malamuth among 316 men and 372 women, respondents assured that hardcore pornography betters their sex life in general among both sexes. Moreover, participants reported that the higher the occurrence of watching porn, the stronger the benefits they reaped. Women who watch adult content entertainment often feel aroused and are better able to maximize their sexual activity.

    Women Empowerment: Feminists in favor of pornography argue that women choose what and when to watch and whether they want to participate in it or not.

    Expand Women’s Sexual Possibilities: Women who watch erotica are exposed to a widened view of their sexuality.

    Satisfy Sexual Curiosity: Adult entertainment allows women to safely and discretely satisfy their healthy sexual curiosity in an intimate environment.

    Vicarious Experience
: Watching adult entertainment can provide women with vicarious emotional information on how something that they see may feel to them.

    Enhance Masturbation: Watching adult entertainment could provide women without sexual partners—either by choice or other reasons, such as divorce or widowhood—and women with disabilities the ability to enjoy a fulfilling masturbation experience.

    Sexual Freedom: By choosing to watch adult entertainment, women exert their right to embrace, enjoy and celebrate their sexuality without guilt or shame. Moreover, women who enjoy this outlet are free to interpret sex as they want without limiting social constructs.

I believe porn and erotica can be strong allies when it comes to the sexual lives of women. If choosing to experiment with porn and erotica, I would advise women to watch content that is within their comfort zone and give themselves permission to enjoy the experience. Whether it is solo or in the company of their sexual partners, adult entertainment can teach you some new tricks, put you in the mood, and even enhance your sexual experience.

Here’s what some women had to say on the subject:

I love watching porn! However, I am a closeted porn-watcher. I still feel a little embarrassed to admit that I like watching porn. But I do enjoy it and it helps me get off! —Rocio B., San Juan, PR

I like to read and watch erotica, and I like to watch porn sometimes. I sometimes think that porn is too crude and is more geared towards men, but every once in a while I have watched pornography that I have absolutely enjoyed. —Barbie S., New York, NY

I love to watch porn with my partner while we are having sex. I have actually learned new tricks by watching porn, and I have implemented them in the bedroom with huge success. Sometimes, we have tried something that we saw in a porn movie and it has led to no success in the implementation but a lot of laughs. I feel that, every once in a while, we benefit from porn as a couple, and it gives us some ammunition for a while. —Magaly M., Miami, FL

I used to watch porn when I was single and it helped me get inspired to masturbate and reach an orgasm or a few. I am also a fan of erotica. These days, I don’t have much time for either but every once in a blue moon I will watch some porn, and I always enjoy it! —Darling V., Dallas, TX

I welcome your comments! If you prefer to send your comments privately or for suggestions, email me at xmuzammil69@gmail.com.
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